Saturday, May 19, 2012

Iris, Hosta, Rhododendron

I love the different patterns on the hostas. 

I bought them a few years ago at the end of the season when they were very, very cheap.

I'm going to have to embroider some leaves like this. 

Not all my iris bloomed this year. 

These are Japanese Iris that line a walkway in the flower garden. 

Another bearded iris. 

The rhododendron out front had beautiful blooms this year. When I went to Ireland years ago these grew wild all over the place. 

These are some old fashioned iris. You can't kill them. I threw some on the compost file a few years ago and they still grow in a clump there. 

This is a large clump of those iris out back. That is a fritillaria sticking up out of them. There is a small clump of those there too. DH wants to cut down the tree they grow around since it blocks the view from his telescope he has on the deck. 

Another iris. I love blue flowers. Long ago I had a blue garden. Now wild things grow in there and it's not only blue. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Garden Walk Apr 2012

The cold weather beat her up but this year I've had more blooms on my azalea than any other. 

Bleeding Heart

I swear this used to be a white variety of bleeding heart. 


I think that's what this is called. I planted it ages ago in the blue part of the garden. 


One of many varieties around here and the only one blooming right now. This is one that hangs like a bell and is much bluer than in the pic. 


Still blooming. 


Almost big enough to eat and it needs some weeding. 


My lilacs are all beat up this year from the big fluctuations in temperature but they still smell good. 

Strawberry blossoms

Looks like a good year for strawberries. 

Tree Peony

I LOVE these. 

Another Tree Peony. 

Wild Onion (or maybe allium I planted there and forgot about). 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Forsythia and Daffodils

In the garden March 19, 2012...forsythia and daffodils. It's been unseasonably warm for this time of year. Some years there has been snow on the daffodils.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I know spring is near when I see the crocus start popping up in the lawn.